Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Welcome to BCKids, the Villaviciosa British Council Blogsite for junior and primary students.

The Staff


This site will give you information about upcoming events, news, competitions and fun activities, either online or in your centre. There are lots of games and plenty of fun to be had on our websites, so just explore and enjoy yourself!


If you have any suggestions as to how we can improve our service or our blog, please post a comment at the end of the page. Thanks!

Fun Websites

http://www.learnenglish.org.uk/ Lots of word and grammar games. Don't forget to visit the playground! The Madrid Young Learners' Intranet. Resources, puzzles, exercises.

http://www.animalssavetheplanet.com/ Check out these fun videos to get some advice on how to help the planet.

http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Games/Index.html Woodlands Junior school website. Great Site with Quidditch.

http://www.isabelperez.com/ Great little website with grammar exercises, songs, games etc.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/hardspell/ Test your spelling against the clock.

http://www.ultimatearcade.com/ Lots of action, adventure games and puzzles for free.

http://www.freeonlinegames.com/ Hundreds of free on-line games.

http://www.zeeks.com/ Collection of on-line games for younger learners.

http://www.bored.com/ Games, jokes, movies, sports...

http://www.eastoftheweb.com/games/index.html Eight different ways to play with words, anagrams, wordsearches and codewords.

http://www.jkrowling.com/ For everything you want to know about the creator of Harry Potter and the characters of the Harry Potter series.

http://www.artemisfowl.com/ For information, games and videos about Artemis Fowl, 12 yr old criminal mastermind and his creator there isno better place to look.

http://www.mariaclaudiacortes.com/# Great website exploring the world and meaning of colour.

http://www.kidsites.com/ Highly educational, fun and great pictures, perfect for school projects.
http://www.garfield.com/fungames/scavengerhunt/scavengerhunt.html An intertactive game in which Garfield has to find objects in a haunted house.

http://www.garfield.com/fungames/scavengerhunt2/scavengerhunt2.html Part 2 of the Garfield game.

http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ Great wildlife site with games and videos.

http://amanita-design.net/thequestfortherest/ Guide three people from adventure to adventure in this curiously addictive, fun game/advert.

http://amanita-design.net/samorost-1/ Same designer as with quest for the rest. Try to save the asteroid from destruction.

http://amanita-design.net/samorost-2/ Part two of the same game.

http://www.gone2thedogs.com/ What kind of dog are you? Play the game and find out.


A clipart site great for teachers or anyone doing a school project.

http://www.ncwiseowl.org/Kscope/techknowpark/Arcade/Menu.html#photos Great clipart and photo site for students or teachers. It also contains sounds and film files.

http://hkintranet/new_template/teaching/photo_library/index.asp Another great clipart site from The British Council, Hong Kong.

http://www.albartus.com/motas/ Follow the clues to escape the room and go from screen to screen. Challenging!

http://nothingbutvideos.blogspot.com/ Funny and strange videos of every type.

http://footballresults.org/ For the football results in every country.

Listening Websites

Great little site to practise pronunciation, sing songs, do exercises based on songs etc.

http://mylcpodcasts.blogspot.com/ Listen to the students and teachers of the Young Learners Centre, Madrid and improve your English.

http://storynory.com/ story-telling site for junior and primary students.

http://www.starfall.com/n/level-c/index/load.htm?f%20 Reading and listening for youngsters.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/laac/story/sbi.shtml Great little stories in cartoon form. Interesting, but difficult vocabulary.

http://www.storylineonline.net/ Stories read by famous American actors and actresses.

http://stage.dotsub.com/films/superman/ Classic, ten-minute Superman cartoon with or without subtitles in English. This is one of many short films to be seen on this site.

http://elllo.org/ Hundreds of videos with comprehension questions.

http://www.kidsites.com/ Click on the stories section to listen to and read stories at the same time.

http://www.national-anthems.net/ Listen to the world's national anthems and get the lyrics.

http://www.activamultimedia.com/sam/index_ENG.htm What is the weather like today? Check with weatherman Sam.


Dave L's Class Show what they know about the latest fashions!


Photo(s) of the Week

This pretty face is actually the most dangerous animal in Africa, apart from man of course and maybe the mosquito!


Teachers' Tools

http://dictionary.reference.com/ Online English, French, Italian and Spanish Dictionary.

http://www.wordlearner.com/ Share and use materials with other language teachers.

http://www.teachers-pet.org/download.html Free tools for creative teachers.

http://puzzlemaker.school.discovery.com/ Create all manner of puzzles and wordsearches for your students.

http://www.crosswordpuzzlegames.com/ You supply the words and clues, and this site will create the puzzle for you.

http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/ News lessons for class discussion.

http://www.onestopenglish.com/ Recent and old news items for class discussion, teaching materials and more.


Poetry Corner

Each week we will publish a different poem. It could be from a professional poet, or it could be one of yours. If you want to have a go at writing a poem, write one as a comment on the blog.

Now, if you think your poems are nonsense, just read this one by Lewis Carroll.

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:

Long time the manxome foe he sought --

So rested he by the Tumtum tree,

And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,

The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,

Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,

And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through

The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!

He left it dead, and with its head

He went galumphing back.

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?

Come to my arms, my beamish boy!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'

He chortled in his joy.

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe.



Homework helpdesk

Having trouble with your homework or is there a word you need to know or a point of grammar which just seems to evade explanation? If so, then post a comment on the blog and we'll try to answer your questions as quickly and as comprehensively as we can.

Question 1
Anonymous said...
Hello I have problems when I speak in English. My teacher says I always use the same words! How can I get better?

It's good to see that you use what you know is correct, but if you are too repetitive it means that you need to increase your vocabulary.

You need to do as much reading and listening as possible. If you don't like books, then try listening to songs and reading the lyrics at the same time, or you could try magazines or comics, which are more visual and perhaps more interesting. Another thing you could do, is watch films that you already know in Spanish, but in English, with subtitles.

It's not necessary to sit there with a dictionary, but a decent pocket-sized dictionary can be useful at times. Remember also, that there are hundreds of millions of pages in English on the internet, so don't limit yourself to Spanish sites. If you don't understand some words, don't panic. The important thing is to understand the general meaning.


Anonymous said...

hello!I have a little problem:often I can't remember the words and the vocabulary I learn in English class.Can you help me, please?

Hello (again?) Anonymous,

If I were you, I would look through my work on a daily basis for just a couple of minutes. That way, the vocabulary and the lesson will always be fresh in your memory. If you do this, there will also be no need to spend a week revising for your exams.

Another good way not to forget vocabulary is to put it to use...try and work the new vocabulary into work that you do in class, or written homework. In this way, you will also understand it better and improve your working knowledge of English, as well as communicate more and better.

Hope it helps!



As a cultural organisation, the British Council is proud to exhibit the artwork of teachers, students and their family members. Today David Lind's mother, Karin, offers a wonderful selection of her paintings for our enjoyment.

And David's sister, Suzan Waldinger, has put together a whole exhibition. And this is some of her work. What a talented family!


Dear Blog

In our new, Dear Blog section,
if you have any troubles or worries, conflicts or just need someone to chat to, then write a letter to the blog (as a comment at the end) and we'll try and help you and reply to as many of the letters as possible, publishing the replies. All the letters should be anonymous.

Letter 1

Anonymous said...

Dear Blog:

Hi, I have a problem. My friends are very happy with their qualities,but they are subnormal, in school and at the institute.I am more intelligent than they are,and in P.E. when I say "I am more intelligent than you,"they argue.



Dear Anonymous,

You mustn’t insult your friends because they consider you one of them. You should help them more. Your friends need you. Help theeeeeem!

By Juanato

Letter 2

cristina and rocio said...

Dear blog:

Hello!I have a big problem:I have got a brother who is stupid. When I get angry I want to kill him.Can you help me, please?bye, bye.


Dear Cristina and Rocio,

First of all, Don´t worry about wanting to kill your brother, most people think the same.It is a natural instinct like falling in love, or eating...You should try to avoid him when you are angry. You must think about positive things of your brother and that you are a lucky person because a lot of people don´t have brothers and they feel lonely. And finally you have to think that someday your brother will grow and will leave home. Life is fantastic.


Letter 3

Lonely said...

Dear Blog,

When I am playing with my friends, they always leave me out of their games. I feel bad not being able to play with people. What can I do to be accepted?

Yours, Lonely


Dear Lonely,

You must ask them what the problem is. Don't worry. You should try talking with other children/people so that they see what a great person. I'm sure you can be a more outgoing person. You shouldn't feel bad when they leave you. Here, you have two new friends.


Great Comedy Moments

Click on the link below to see some funny moments with kids.


Watch a great little Pixar film. Afterwards, don't annoy adults so much!

Click on the address below:



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Who do you think was the greatest of all time?

Are they here, on the page?

Who is the Superstar of the 21st Century?

Write and tell us.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The best cartoon ever

What do you think was the best cartoon ever? Is it the Simpsons? The Incredibles? Ratatouille?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Earth

If you want to do some extra Happy Earth reading activities on the internet over the holidays, click on this link and do all types of fun activites!


Thursday, March 05, 2009

Want to help save the world...or at least, not get it into any more trouble than you already have...well check out the animals save the planet link and see how you can all help.